a letter from the founder: kicking off the new year

a letter from the founder: kicking off the new year

The ultimate goal in your career is to find something you love to do so much that you never feel like you have to “go to work” a day in your life, right? That is exactly how I felt when I discovered my passion for filmmaking and video production over 2 decades ago. I pursued my education in the technicalities of storytelling through video, however I had never taken a single business course in my life. I never sought out to be an entrepreneur or business owner, i just kinda found myself here because i kept showing up doing what i love and doing it on my own terms… I know I’m not alone. There are so many people who have that creative, entrepreneurial spirit when they find something they love to do so much. At the same time, it is easy to feel stuck, alone, unmotivated or uninspired. 

This is exactly why we have created this blog. We hope this will be a resource to many for inspiration, connection and growth by sharing video production tips, highlighting our community and revealing real life stories on how we operate a creative business in the bustling world we live in today. 

At the moment I am typing this, I am sitting on my couch with a big ‘ol belly curious if today will be the day my son is born. It’s been an interesting concept for me as a passionate business owner to take more time at home to prepare for maternity leave. So much of my identity and day-to-day life is wrapped up in my businesses, yet I understand the importance of being able to step away and trust the team and systems that are implemented will keep the train rolling while I bring another human into the world. 

I guess you could say owning a business is a lot like motherhood… you work so hard to birth and raise it and then there comes the day where you realize all the time and hard work you have poured into it is now its own incredible, sustainable, independent being. It still needs your TLC from time to time, but in order to really let it flourish, you must trust and then let it do the work. I am so grateful for the incredible team we have at both the good vibe media and studios and insanely proud of the passion they put into their craft for all of our clients. 

Alright, i’m now off my sappy emotional stand and want to shift gears to shed light on my perspective moving in to a fresh year as a business owner…

Here are the 3 things on my mind moving in to 2023:

  1. Know your numbers

  2. Expand your community

  3. Seek more growth


If you are a creative starting your own business you may relate to this… I had ZERO business background or knowledge when I first started my video production business. All I knew was my passion for filmmaking and made up the business concepts as I went. There were no systems or structure, my schedule was inconsistent and chaotic, and I was living paycheck to paycheck with SO MUCH uncertainty of what the future held. 

A few years ago I was seeking out business support and mentorship to help create more consistency and success within my company, ultimately creating more freedom and ease in my life. The dramatic shift and change I recognized with the growth of the company and security in all areas of my life was remarkable - what a concept! This is why knowing the numbers inside my business is now always on the forefront of my mind, especially entering a fresh year with new goals and expectations. 

What numbers do you want to look at?

  1. Profit & Loss Report - gather this report for each month, quarter and year so you can dissect the numbers and make comparisons.

  2. KPI - these key performance indicators will set the specific goals of what are you trying to achieve each month, quarter and/or year and then you can work backwards to calculate how you will reach those outcomes. 

  3. Time - how much time are you and your team spending on certain tasks and is there anything you feel like you can automate, eliminate or delegate for your list of to do’s that will free up time and space in your calendar?


Reflecting back on the last 2 decades of my video production career, I can hands down say that community has been one of the biggest factor of growth. I recognized early on that if there are pain-points within my business and/or life and I was craving change, I had to take personal responsibility to put myself in rooms with people who I strived to be more like in order to gather the answers to the questions of change that was swirling in my mind. A dear friend of mind coined the phrase, “you are not meant to do business or life alone” and I could not agree more. The more you lean in to community, the more abundance you will recognize in all areas of your life. That is, if you’re clear on selecting the appropriate community that maintains the values and goals aligned with your own. 

That said, think of 3 organizations, networking groups or institutions that are home to people you want to be more like and make an intentional effort to show up each month. For me, I seek networking groups with successful female entrepreneurs, organizations and charities that support youth or disabled, and fitness or wellness centers that are home to like-minded people who take ownership in creating a healthy lifestyle.


I recently attended a business development event where Tom Hatten, founder of Mountainside Fitness was one of the speakers. During his presentation he mentioned something along the lines of  “if your business is not evolving, it is dying, you just don’t know the date yet.” This rang a bell and reminded me how important it is to never stay stagnant and always seek ways to create change and evolution within my companies. I never want business to feel the same. I honestly feel like my team and I thrive off of challenges and expanding our limits with each production. Our industry changes rapidly with cameras and other technical gear, it’s important for us to be ahead of the curve and know what is new in the market so we can produce a product that sets our clients ahead of others in their industry. So I challenge you, what can you learn this next year that will push your business to the next level in your industry?

It doesn’t need to take a “new year” in order to reflect on these intentions within your business, but it sure is a fun and timely excuse to do so. I’d love to hear how you are going to implement some of the ideas I have shared here within your own business. Please leave a comment below so we can stay connected!

Here’s to kicking off 2023! Wishing you all the best!

Nothing but good vibes, 

Carly Gilleland

Founder & CEO 

The good vibe media & studios